Как написать эссе для MBA? Урок 14. Пример 1

Как ответить на вопрос, нужна ли Вам MBA? Прочитайте пример, может быть, он Вас натолкнет на некоторые ценные мысли. Как вопротить идею в реальность, Вы уже знаете — это написано в предыдущих разделах о том, как писать эссе. Осталось определить, что писать.

Wharton, high-tech consulting, physics background, European, experience in Asia

Discuss the factors that influenced your career decisions to date. Please describe your professional goals for the future. How will the M.B.A. experience influence your ability to achieve your goals?

«Stop foolin’ around, old boy. How would an M.B.A. help you? Better get on with your career.» That’s what they say. Friends, colleagues, others.

I ‘ve heard it all before. «If I were you, I would not do it. Don’t waste your time, get ahead with your studies as quickly as possible», my professor for experimental physics told me. That was back in ’88, and of course he was not talking about my M.B.A., but about my intention to go to China: Take a special scholarship and go—for a year, to study Chinese, and physics, in China. Get in line, professor. He was just one of many who did not approve of my idea.

But for me, my plan clearly was: A chance, a challenge, and a choice. A chance to open my intellectual door to the world Europeans consider the (psychologically) most distant one from Western culture, and to broaden my view well beyond the usual. A challenge to learn a language Westerners see as one of the most difficult in a compressed timeframe and to adapt to a completely unfamiliar environment—while not letting this impact my overall physics studies timeline. A choice to diverge from the mainstream path to exclusive specialization in a single intellectual realm, not just on a spare time basis—but with serious commitment.

Looking back after seven years, I could not feel more assured that at that time, I made the right choice. My unusual combination of experiences sets me worlds apart from my physics-only ex-fellow students. Working for (Big Consulting Company), (so far) exclusively on international assignments in high tech industries, is the kind of job I had envisioned at that time. I could not have come here without that choice I made back then.

Now I am—on a higher playing field, though—back to square one: Once again, about to make an academic detour form the prescribed path. An unnecessary delay for my career progression.

But stop! Is that at all true? Getting an M.B.A. makes perfect sense for a consultant—after all, most consultants are M.B.A.s. Getting an M.B.A. makes even more sense in my particular case: it is the perfect academic supplement to my physics background—the one I need to become a leading edge high tech consultant. Detailed technology understanding plus profound business and group skills, that is a rare combination which really gets the career rocket roaring. This is certainly true for me, and I think that this is one of my most important and convincing reasons for an M.B.A.

Having spent considerable time and energy studying Chinese and travelling in Asia (and the rest of the world), an exclusively German career certainly is the opposite of what I am interested in. No cosy, warm place in an easy, totally predictable environment. Guaranteed career progression when the guy above me retires. Getting a dog at 35 and the BMW and house that go with it. No thanks.
So what is it I am interested in? I want to be where the guerilla wars of business are fought (the shoestring traveller resurfaces). Where global language and intercultural/personal skills make the difference. Where intelligence translates into quantum leaps (courtesy of the physicist). This is where I can make my best contribution. In short, I want to be where the action and the challenges are.

For the late 20th and early 21st century, this means, in terms of topic, clearly one industry: High Tech (just watch the stock market). I am well equipped for this with my physics background. In terms of region, it clearly means Asia. Through language study and travel exposure, I have come a long way in getting myself prepared. In terms of function, it clearly means strategy consulting. If there is any place better for this than (Big Consulting Company), please let me know.

Thus the reasons why I want to go back to university and do a dual degree in business and East Asian studies are: Get myself a thorough business background to put all the pieces of case experience I have accumulated during my (Big Consulting Company), life in their right places and understand their context. Do the same with all my pieces of Asian studies and travel experiences. Get ready for the real action I want to be a part and a driver of—and satisfy academic ambitions lurking beneath the surface of the «hands-on» consultant.

The knowledge I will gain should help facilitate a career change. After extensive work in European High Tech industry, I want to transfer to Asia. Completion of my desired academic program should give me perfect preparation, some initial contacts, and, through a summer internship in Asia, a clear idea of what to expect from working there (in contrast to studying and travelling).

Of at least equal importance, the Lauder/Wharton dual degree program will also give me a clear view on all the options that I have with my very special combination of skills. While I currently cannot imagine going anywhere else but to one of the Asian offices of (Big Consulting Company), after my graduation, I am also realistic enough to understand that there certainly is a number of other opportunities out there which I would be attracted to, but just know nothing about at this time. I am a firm believer in having many options and in exploring quite a few in detail—whatever position you’re in, there may always be one which is an even better fit with your ambitions and capabilities.

I think it is obvious why I apply to the Wharton School. Among all the leading business schools, Lauder/Wharton is one of the very few offering a serious joint-degree program that makes sense. With its strong international orientation, Lauder/Wharton offers the type of courses I am looking for. With my diverse set of unusual ideas, experiences and capabilities, I would make a most valuable and colourful addition to the student body of Wharton. So what are my concrete plans for the time after my graduation? Where in Asia can I be a driver the way described above? One extremely attractive option for me would be helping to set up the (Big Consulting Company), office in (Asian Capital). Or one in (Other Asian Capital). Or in Saigon (Cantonese and Vietnamese are no more different than Swedish and German). But frankly, these are just a few options I can pinpoint now—and I am sure that many more will become apparent during my Wharton experience.

After all, my desire to come to Wharton is just another manifestation of the characteristics that made me go to China a couple of years ago: Take the chance to widen your scope. Accept the challenge that goes with replacing narrow security by broad uncertainty. Make
the choice to put all your effort into fully developing and playing out your talents.
So I am not going to take my friends’ advice. They have their dogs already, and the BMW is ordered. Sorry—I am not ready for that.


Автор описывает себя к контексте поездки в Китай. Тот факт, что он решил поехать, не смотря на все уговоры окружающих, доказывает, что он решительный и зрелый человек, не боящийся принимать решения и нести ответственность за них. Он четко демонстрирует, почему MBA для него является важным. Он не хочет жить стереотипно: собака и BMW к 35 годам – это не для него. Вместо этого он поясняет свой выбор в Азии. Отдельный параграф – о программе Wharton. Дальше – о своих достижениях.

Естественно, его опыт делает его необычным. Однако стиль тоже играет роль. Оригинальное и необычное начало, один и тот же вопрос на протяжение всего эссе, и, наконец, ответ – MBA все-таки нужна.

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